Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Agony of using vPOSTUSA Service

First time involved in buying a ATF Cooler from It seemed i can save alot from rather than buying from a local shop. The greatest problem of the plan comes when i received the shipping charge from vPOSTUSA Service. The shipping charge was nearly as much as the cost of the item i am paying for!! This is because packed the item in box which is 2 over times bigger than the original item, and stuffed quite a lot of american airbags into the box. The vPOSTUSA shipping charge is compute with either actual weight or volumetric weight whichever is higher.

Now is the second time that i am using the vPOSTUSA Service. First one was a good one except the "pain" to pay for high shipping charges. Having learned my lesson, i decide that the next thing to do is to call the merchant once i have placed my order. The operator over the phone mentioned that she would called the warehouse to have my order packed in the smallest box which could accommodated all items. Oh well, at least the merchant was helpful enough.

After a few days, finally received an email from vPOST stating that they could not find a match of my invoices against a parcel which they received. Well that's not the problem, because i believe it can be sort out with just a few emails. The problem is that the parcel's Actual Weight is 4.9kg and Volumetric weight 12.4kg. Again! And this time the shipping charge amounted to SGD$100+!!

Anyone have any ideas/vPOSTUSA promotion codes to reduce the shipping charge, please drop me a comment.

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